Email for the Week and pictures Dear Friends and Family, Added to our blog if you are interested: https:// fredtracyhappyinlife.blogspot. com/ I can't speak for Elder Thacker, but for me at the end of the week my perspective of things has shifted. It's like my eyes are being opened and instead of just poverty, filth, and crazy picture worthy happenings, it seems that I am recognizing the beauty around me. I see the beautiful palm trees and banana trees surrounded by red clay packed roads. Those two colors are striking together. I see the bright colors on all of the people and see them as beautiful people. Elder Thacker and I both have commented on how beautiful bright yellow looks on their black skin. I stand in awe with the heavy loads that children and women carry on their heads. I also see how the little children have chores and help in their families. This week we were out very early. We saw a li...