Sunday at a Ward in Freetown
Sunday September 29, 2024
This Sunday, Elder Thacker and I were in Freetown running errands for our new place in Kono. Freetown is the best and only place to buy household items. It is not easy to find what you need. I call it combat shopping. Anyway, this is a side note.
We chose a random ward in Freetown to attend before heading back to Kono, a 5 hour Sunday drive. We walked into this church house 10 minutes to 9:00. We were impressed to find that 80% of the congregation were sitting reverently for it to begin. The Bishop and counselors were in the front ready as well. The chorister was leading the congregation in prelude music singing the first line of the song, then bringing the congregation in by saying "1, 2, 3 go." I love it!!! Elder Thacker and I both looked at the time when the Bishop stood to start the meeting...9:00 sharp.
For some reason Sundays can be days in which we miss the grandchildren. As we sat down, there was a young 3 year old girl sitting in front of us. She seen me and grinned while saying, "Grandma!" It was very clear and so happy. It melted my heart. After gleefully repeating "Grandma" then she noticed Elder Thacker. She shouts "Grandpa." Both Fred and I's eyes glistened with tears. She was so happy to use her English words that her mother had to gather her up on her lap and face her forward to settle her excitement down. After Sacrament we asked how she knew to associate us with Grandma and Grandpa. She just said that it was something she had taught her to say in respect of the older generation. (Haha. I guess I am showing my age.)
Sacrament was a choice experience I will never forget. There were 11 new baptism confirmations. After the Administration of the Sacrament, the Bishop stood and called each candidate one by one and confirmations were given. It was a beautiful experience to be apart of. There was little time left for talks. It reminded me of a talk Elder Bednar gave about sacrament meetings in Africa.
The final humbling moment was after church when we were all gathering outside. Africans in Sierra Leone love their "snaps" (pictures taken.) A small boy, slipped quietly beside Elder Thacker and placed his primary treat, (a package of crackers) into his hand. I noticed when Elder Thacker looked down at his hand and seen the humble offering. Tear came quickly as we were taught Christlike charity. This boy was given a treat that was solely for him. In this world, most do not have enough to eat daily. He was so humble and thoughtful, so Christlike. I can not write the beautiful lesson we were taught this day.
Frances called us Grandma and Grandpa |
A new member. |
A new member |
A new member |
Primary children and 2 new members |
New members. |
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