
Showing posts from March, 2025


Facebook post October 31, 2025  


Email for week March 2, 2025 Dear Friends and family,     Once again it is Sunday evening and I am wondering what things I should share with you.  Each week that goes by seems to be a common and normal life, yet Elder Thacker and I always find something new that we marvel over, or grow in our testimony of the Savior.     I find myself thinking a lot about water.  Here in Sierra Leone, we are now in the dry season.  What this means is there are never any drops of rain and they seem to burn everything from garbage to the dry vegetation.  These are not prescribed burns, just at will they light fires and many times they get out of control.  There are no fire fighters either.  It is very sad when we see someone's age old palm oil orchard, or cashew, or potato leaf gardens burn. It's devastating really.     With the dry season also comes the lack of water.  Many wells run dry as they are shallow and used excessively. It is commo...


  Email for week February 24, 2025 Dear Friends and Family,      Another week has passed.  This week was eventful so while I am trying to catch up on my journal, I thought I should send an email as well.  We are learning so much about the gospel, ourselves, and ways to improve by the people of SL that I am beginning to worry that if it is not put down in writing I will not remember and maintain the growth when we return home.    Thank you for your emails and support.    Many may ask what do you do as a Senior Couple?  Of course there are different types of missions senior couples can be called to serve, but for Elder Thacker and I we were called to a (Member Leader Support - MLS) mission.  This is mostly to live in assigned areas to strengthen the branch/or ward leaders.  Our mission President uses us for transfers and other Jr. missionary needs.  Transportation in SL is challenging.  Most transport is done on mo...


Email for Week February 19, 2025 Dear Friends and family,    I hope each of you are doing well.  I especially think of our Idaho and Utah friends that are suffering through the lengthy winter.  We are in the complete opposite weather situation here in SL.  While it is hot, I'm not sure I want to suffer the cold weather anymore.  I have become soft. :)    Elder Thacker and I are doing well.  We love serving a mission and we love that the Lord called us to Sierra Leone.  The people are so kind and friendly, the church is growing, and the adventures are fun.  We laugh a lot at the crazy things we see.  Most of the time, we make a post on facebook to share some of the interesting things we see.  One thing is for sure, we both will never be the same.  We will look at material things much differently.    Just this week we had an experience with hospitals, but this time it was with one of our family members in the ...


  Email for week February 2, 2025 Dear Friends and Family,      I hope you are all doing well and that you are tolerating the cold.  I suspect there have been some pretty cold temperatures.  In Sierra Leone we are certainly in the dry hot season.  Elder Thacker often says,  "when the rainy season ends it's like a faucet.  When it turns off, you don't see any more rain, not even a drop.     Life here is always interesting.  We both find ourselves marveling over the resilience of the people.  They are resourceful. They are compassionate and very friendly.  I find that I always have why and how questions.  For example, how am I going to retain all that I have learned about simplicity in life?     Each day it seems there is something new to learn or experience.  This past Sunday as Elder Thacker and I were meeting with a branch president and his counselor, the counselor opened a tithing envel...