
Email for Week February 19, 2025

Dear Friends and family,
   I hope each of you are doing well.  I especially think of our Idaho and Utah friends that are suffering through the lengthy winter.  We are in the complete opposite weather situation here in SL.  While it is hot, I'm not sure I want to suffer the cold weather anymore.  I have become soft. :)

   Elder Thacker and I are doing well.  We love serving a mission and we love that the Lord called us to Sierra Leone.  The people are so kind and friendly, the church is growing, and the adventures are fun.  We laugh a lot at the crazy things we see.  Most of the time, we make a post on facebook to share some of the interesting things we see.  One thing is for sure, we both will never be the same.  We will look at material things much differently.

   Just this week we had an experience with hospitals, but this time it was with one of our family members in the states.  After the many hard and sad situations we have seen here in SL, I was so relieved that our family member was in the states and had access to modern technology and up -o- date medical information.  I am so grateful for the blessing of prayer and wonderful hospital facilities.

   We have attended funerals here that seem avoidable.  It is heartbreaking.  We visited with a member that is concerned for his brother.  His brother went to the hospital with stomach pains and a back ache.  After observation, he was sent home with a diagnosis of ulcers and a back x-ray.  Our friend is still in much pain and has lost the ability to walk.  The hospital did not have any more answers, but told him death was inevitable.  If they can't come up with an answer, they confirm it is cancer and tell them they don't have much time. Typically they send them home with a pain relief medicine that has codeine in it so it becomes addicting.

   Traditionally here, the eldest son is responsible for taking care of the family when the father gets too old, or is not financially able to.  One of our YSA members (Joshua) who desires to serve a mission had to rush to the village because his father was ill.  The son paid for his dad's travel to the hospital.  Gratefully, his father is doing fine.  Joshua smiles as he says "at least my father is alive," while he is saddled with finding the money to pay for the hospital bills.  His bill was for 1260 leones, which is about $55.00.  Joshua will work at the tailoring shop for months to pay this bill and watch the late fee incur.  Most of the time, cash has to be paid up front for any treatment or exam can be done.  

   Have I ever mentioned that in SL it is a cash base system?  Everything is paid for first, and very few places use a credit system.

   Truly life is not all doom here.  We are learning each day how hard these people work and how resilient they are.  They are the most friendly people.  They love their families and want their children to be strong.  The church is growing by leaps and bounds.  We hope to have a District formed in the next month or so.  Elder Thacker is very busy trying to get new chapels and meeting houses found and approved as there will be 5 full branches.  Things are pretty exciting around here.

Well, sometimes I find myself wondering if I am writing anything of value.  We appreciate all of the support from our facebook and email notes.  We are alive and well and so happy to be serving.

Love, Elder and Sister Thacker


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